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Nata Study Material Free Pdf Download

The resources to help you succeed.

From understanding value and creating a new athletic training position or negotiating a raise, to the most up-to-date position statements, find the tools and resources you need to succeed as a secondary school athletic trainer.

Tools & Resources

Secondary School Value Model (updated)

The recently revised Secondary School Value Model (SSVM) is a resource developed by SSATC to help educate athletic trainers and consumers of athletic training services, especially within the secondary school setting, of the worth and value of an athletic trainer.

compromised sports safety in secondary schools

If you know of a school that is at risk of losing or has lost health care services from an athletic trainer(s) due to budget cuts or programs closing, please consider submitting information through the Compromised Sports Safety in Secondary Schools form.

Appropriate Medical Care Standards for Organizations Sponsoring Athletic Activity for the Secondary School Age Athlete

Are you in an organization looking for a comprehensive set of guidelines for youth sports? Our recently revised Appropriate Medical Care Standards for Organizations Sponsoring Athletic Activity for Secondary School Age Athletes is a set of comprehensive recommendations and guidelines for appropriate medical care for adolescents competing in school and club-level sports.

covid-19: Telehealth guidelines for the secondary school at

Due to COVID-19, ATs may be looking for ways to provide health care services from afar through telehealth. To help ATs understand, develop and implement appropriate policies and procedures on telehealth, we've developed the Telehealth Guidelines for the Secondary School Athletic Trainer (pdf).

covid-19 Return to sport considerations for secondary school ats

To assist athletic trainers (ATs) in navigating the return to sport in secondary schools, we have developed the COVID-19 Return-to-Sport Considerations for Secondary School Athletic Trainers (pdf). The core tenants of these guidelines center around administrative concerns, physical activity concerns and risk mitigation strategies.

covid-19: Remote work checklist for secondary school ATs

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, many athletic trainers are navigating new ways to work, including telemedicine and online learning. Within the COVID-19: Remote Work Checklist for Secondary School ATs, we've outlined important ways (and supportive resources) that ATs can continue to impact health care through action.

Wellness Screening Guidelines for the Secondary School AT

Athletic trainers who work in the secondary school have a unique perspective in health care given the daily encounters they have with their patients. Secondary school ATs must be knowledgeable, prepared and proactive in addressing potential mental health concerns in their patients. The Wellness Screening Guidelines for the Secondary School AT (pdf) provides rationale, samples and suggestions for how ATs can develop and implement a digital wellness screening tool for their patient population.

program assessment for safety in sports (PASS)

The Program Assessment for Safety in Sport (PASS) is an online tool designed to help ATs and others on the athletic health care to implement, document and advocate for the standards and substandards deemed necessary in the provision of appropriate medical care for secondary school aged athletes.

Concussion Guidelines

New Concussion Guidelines Impact Secondary School Setting (pdf) provides considerations for implementing the latest concussion guideline recommendations from the Berlin concussion consensus statement.

Guidelines for Developing a Team Physician Services Agreement in the Secondary School

Guidelines for Developing a Team Physician Services Agreement in the Secondary School (pdf) provides suggestions and strategies for formalizing the relationship with a team physician along with sample documents for such an agreement.

Emergency Action Plan Guidelines: Mental Health Emergency in Secondary School Athletes

Emergency Action Plan Guidelines: Mental Health Emergency in Secondary School Athletes (pdf) are guidelines that provide sample questions, steps, procedures and direction for handling a mental health crisis in a secondary school.

Secondary School Sports Medicine Course Outline

Secondary School Sports Medicine Course Outline (pdf) is a template for the development or improvement of a secondary school sports medicine course. It provides a list of ideas that an individual may pick and choose from when creating a sports medicine course at his/her school. ATs who utilize this template to teach a sports medicine courses must review their state practice acts to ensure their final curriculum does not violate state rules or regulations.

Secondary School Position Proposal Guide

Secondary School Position Proposal Guide (PPG) (pdf) is a tool developed by SSATC to assist professionals develop a proposal for a new athletic trainer or athletic training program for presentation to school system decision makers.

Secondary School Position Improvement Guide

Secondary School Position Improvement Guide (PIG) (pdf) is a tool developed by SSATC to assist athletic trainers who are interested in improving their current employment position as a secondary school athletic trainer.

Secondary School Value handouts

A Safer Approach to Secondary School Sports (pdf) is a handout designed to educate external stakeholders on the value of athletic trainers employed in the secondary school setting.

Secondary School Case Studies Workbook

Secondary School Case Studies Workbook (pdf) is a resource designed to assist athletic training students, athletic training program directors and athletic trainers new to the secondary school setting by providing insights to the secondary school setting through real life scenarios.

Career Fair Resource - Become an AT

Promote athletic training at your school's career fair using this helpful infographic Become an AT (pdf).

Sidelined USA

Sidelined USA provides support and resources for athletes who have been permanently sidelined due to career-ending injury, health condition, or repeat concussion and inspires them to find a meaningful way forward.

A Day in the Life of a Secondary School Athletic Trainer

Educating Your Team

10 for 10

The 10 for 10 presentations are designed to be used by ATs to educate coaches, patients are parents on the latest research and best practices for a variety of health topics. You can customize these presentations with your own organization's logo and protocols.


NATA has developed a number of infographics on various injuries and illnesses common to sports medicine. You may download and distribute these handouts to educate patients, parents and the community on important health topics.

Awards & Grants

secondary school athletic trainer of the year award

Secondary School Athletic Trainer of the Year: The NATA Secondary School Athletic Trainer of the Year Award recognizes excellence of the athletic training profession in secondary schools. This award application is designed to highlight the accomplishments of an athletic trainer going above and beyond their job responsibilities providing superior health care to their patients in the secondary school setting. Nominate a deserving athletic trainer peer today.

AT Advocate Award

AT Advocate Award: The AT Advocate Award recognizes an individual, organization, corporation or company that has been a champion in securing athletic trainers in the secondary school setting and improving public awareness of the profession.

Servant's Heart Award

Servant's Heart Award: The Servant's Heart Award recognizes deserving secondary school ATs in each district for their service to the athletic training profession, their schools and their communities.

Safe Sports School Award

Safe Sports School Award: The Safe Sports School award recognizes secondary schools that take the crucial steps to keep their athletes free from injuries. Schools must fulfill specific athlete safety criteria to qualify for this elite distinction, including the creation of a comprehensive athletic health care system and the coordination of pre-participation physical examinations. The following districts and state associations offer grants for the Safe Sports School Award:

  • District I
  • District III
  • District IV
  • District V
  • District VI
  • District IX
  • District X
  • Utah
  • Pennsylvania

NATA Career Center Employment Grant

The NATA Career Center Secondary School Employment Grant is designed to help secondary schools that wish to utilize the NATA Career Center and need financial assistance. NATA is pleased to offer a special rate of $100 to qualifying secondary schools posting a full time job.


Proper Supervision of Secondary School Student Aides Official Statement

Proper Supervision of Secondary School Student Aides Official Statement (pdf) provides support and guidance to school administrators and athletic trainers in the education and supervision of secondary school students enrolled in sports medicine courses or volunteering in secondary school athletic training programs. The goal of this statement is to continue to foster a positive, safe learning environment where students benefit from the instruction and observation of qualified health care professionals.

  • Secondary School Student Aides Q&A
  • Use of Student Aides at the Secondary School Level

AMA Statement

AMA Statement (pdf) encouraging appropriate medical coverage, preferably through a certified athletic trainer, at every school with a sports program.

AAFP Statement

American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) encourages schools that provide an interscholastic sports program to create policies that enhance the well-being of their student athletes including the utilization of an AT as part of their health care team.

Appropriate Medical Care for the Secondary School-Aged Athletes

Appropriate Medical Care for the Secondary School-Age Athletes Consensus Statement (pdf) establishes recommendations for the prevention, care and appropriate management of athletic-related injury and illness specific to the secondary school-aged individual.
Appropriate Medical Care for the Secondary School-Age Athlete Communication (pdf) provides evidence-based support of the consensus statement.

Best Practices for Sports Medicine Management for Secondary Schools

Inter-Association Consensus Statement on Best Practices for Sports Medicine Management for Secondary Schools and Colleges (pdf) is intended to assist school administrators and the health care professionals who comprise the sports medicine team by outlining duties and responsibilities of the sports medicine team, decision making responsibilities, role of the administrator and performance-appraisal tools.

Best Practices for Preventing Sudden Death in Secondary School Athletic Programs

Inter-Association Task Force for Preventing Sudden Death in Secondary School Athletics Programs: Best Practices Recommendations (pdf) provides a roadmap for policy considerations regarding health and safety concerns for secondary school athletics.

Time Outs

NATA recommends that a "time out" system be adopted for athletic health care in order to provide dedicated time for review of the pre-athletic event checklist and the venue's emergency action plan (EAP). Learn more about taking a "time out".


High School Rio

High School RIO (Reporting Information Online) (pdf) an internet-based sports injury surveillance system developed by Dr. Comstock at  the Center from the Injury Research and Policy at Columbus Children's Hospital, was utilized to  perform surveillance of injuries sustained by US high school athletes throughout the 2005-2006 academic year. The goal of this project was to provide science-based evidence related to sports injuries in order to reduce the number of preventable sports injuries and encourage youth to engage in physical activity.

High School National Athletic Treatment, Injuries and Outcomes Network

High School National Athletic Treatment, Injuries and Outcomes Network (NATION) is the first project that integrates injury surveillance, treatment and patient outcomes using data gathered by athletic trainers in public high schools. Learn more about the scope of this project, how to participate and findings of NATION.

The National Center for Catastrophic Sport Injury Research

The National Center for Catastrophic Sport Injury Research (NCCSIR) conducts surveillance of catastrophic injuries and illnesses related to participation in organized sports in the United States at the collegiate, high school and youth levels of play. NATA supports this research as a funding partner of the Consortium for Catastrophic Injruy Monitoring in Sport. Learn more about this collaboration, access reports or report an injury.

Athletic Training Location and Services

The Athletic Training Location and Services (ATLAS) database was developed to better assess the current level of health care at secondary schools across the country. Athletic trainers are encouraged check the state map to see if their school(s) are listed appropriately in database.  If not, they can complete the survey to add or update their information.

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